Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Fill Headers support

Since version 1.0.6 you are able to get help filling some of headers values.
For now it's only Authorization header but I already working on support for others headers.
It's working like this:
When You click into header value field in some cases (where support is provided) You should see popup window with button to open new form dialog. When you fill form and accept new value header value should change to new value.

Here is an screenshot:
Activate fill support
The form

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Update - more file fields

Since last Sunday it is possible to add more than one file field.
To send files via javascript interface Client use HTML5 File API and FormData.
FormData automatically add Content-Type header with proper file ID. This is reason why form encoding will not take affect while sending files.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Helper for web developers for creating custom HTTP requests.

This extension helps you check backend response for different REST request.
You can:

  • Set list of header to send to server (by raw input or form field)
  • Set request body via raw input, form or file input.
  • read all response headers
  • read response body (with colored syntax - by Code Mirror http://codemirror.net/)
  • check request time, response status code and response status text.
You can not:
  • for now, send more than 1 file element with different name (now it's supports multi-select but steel it is one form field either as single param or array)
  • code completion for request headers + hints
  • remember last request (save current form state and restore on load)
  • save (Ctrl+S) and open (Ctrl+O) different request forms from local storage
You can install extension from Chrome Web Store: 

Please, leave review :)